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CAL TEST ELECTRONICS CT4406-2 Datasheet & Stock

For use only with Cal Test’s Long-Reach High Voltage Test Leads, CT3018 or CT3020, the Cal Test Electronics CT4406 operates up to 5 kV when used in non-category environments with transient overvoltages up to 2 kV. The jack also extends the rating of our 4mm Sheathed Banana Jacks to 1,000 V CAT IV. The jack offers a M3 threaded hole for connections. The jack fits into both plastic and metal panels fixed with a 14.5 mm hex panel nut.

SourcePart NoStockInv DateQty/Price USDBuy/RFQ
Digi-Key ElectronicsCT4406-21005-16-2024Unit price: $5.55
Authorized Distributors
FarnellCT4406-2005-16-2024Unit price: $4.61
Authorized Distributors

Specifications for CAL TEST ELECTRONICS CT4406-2

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy CAL TEST ELECTRONICS CT4406-2?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase CT4406-2 from an authorized CAL TEST ELECTRONICS distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part CT4406-2?

You can download the CT4406-2 datasheet or Visit the CAL TEST ELECTRONICS website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of CT4406-2?


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