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CORNELL DUBILIER AFK227M50G24VT-F Datasheet & Stock

The AFK227M50G24VT-F using a ruggedized construction, withstands a 30 G vibration test and has 40% to 60% lower impedance, 30% to 50% smaller case size and more than twice the life compared to general purpose types. As the main countermeasure to vibration, the metal case is inserted into a molded plastic retaining wall that surrounds the part, keeping it firmly in place. Larger diameter leads provide additional mechanical stability of the internal winding and a larger soldering surface keeps the part firmly affixed to the PCB. This capacitor is an excellent choice for power systems subjected to frequent motion and vibration.

SourcePart NoStockInv DateQty/Price USDBuy/RFQ
Master ElectronicsAFK227M50G24VT-F784505-19-2024N/A
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Specifications for CORNELL DUBILIER AFK227M50G24VT-F

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy CORNELL DUBILIER AFK227M50G24VT-F?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase AFK227M50G24VT-F from an authorized CORNELL DUBILIER distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part AFK227M50G24VT-F?

You can download the AFK227M50G24VT-F datasheet or Visit the CORNELL DUBILIER website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of AFK227M50G24VT-F?


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