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Linemaster Switch 491-S Datasheet & Stock

The 491-S switch is ideal if you are looking for a robust foot switch solution in a small package. Used in many different fields, the Compact is used most commonly in emergency vehicles and with tattoo equipment. Its small size allows the user to easily maneuver the foot switch around the floor. The quality design, along with the steel structure of the Compact foot switch make it a popular choice for the people looking for a switch that they can rely on.

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Authorized Distributors

Specifications for Linemaster Switch 491-S

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Linemaster Switch 491-S?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase 491-S from an authorized Linemaster Switch distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part 491-S?

You can download the 491-S datasheet or Visit the Linemaster Switch website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of 491-S?

Linemaster Switch

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