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Mallory JT028-RYGB-CDL Datasheet & Stock

Part Number JT028-RYGB-CDL is a 28 Vac/dc, CuL approved, complete Stacklight with four stacks (Red, Yellow, Green, & Blue) and a separate warning sound that is directly mounted to the machine (i.e. no pole). The translucent triangle shaped lens illuminates with a uniform 360 degee brillant light eliminating bright spots or light flares. There are four sound options including two new sounds unique to the industry. The sounds are continuous, medium pulse, fast double pulse, and a continuous sound for 5 seconds followed by a slow short beeping sound. This is Mallory's 60 mm Stacklight series, is NEMA 12/IP-52 rated, and suitable for industrial control applications. Each Stacklight is individually packed and comes with installation instructions.

SourcePart NoStockInv DateQty/Price USDBuy/RFQ
FarnellJT028-RYGB-CDL005-19-2024Unit price: $200.32
Authorized Distributors

Specifications for Mallory JT028-RYGB-CDL

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Mallory JT028-RYGB-CDL?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase JT028-RYGB-CDL from an authorized Mallory distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part JT028-RYGB-CDL?

You can download the JT028-RYGB-CDL datasheet or Visit the Mallory website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of JT028-RYGB-CDL?


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