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Microchip Technology ATF16V8CZ-15PU Datasheet & Stock

The ATF16V8CZ-15PU is a high performance EECMOS programmable logic device in 20 pin DIP package. This device utilizes Atmel's proven electrically erasable flash memory technology. It significantly reduces total system power, enhances system reliability and reduces power supply cost. The supply current drops to less than 5µA typically when all the inputs and internal nodes are not switching. This automatic power down feature or sleep mode allows for power savings in slow clock systems and asynchronous applications.

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SourcePart NoStockInv DateQty/Price USDBuy/RFQ
Digi-Key ElectronicsATF16V8CZ-15PU195605-05-2024Unit price: $2.29
Authorized Distributors
Authorized Distributors
Future Electronics CorporateATF16V8CZ-15PU61205-04-2024Unit price: $2.68
Authorized Distributors
NewarkATF16V8CZ-15PU9005-05-2024Unit price: $2.29
Authorized Distributors

Specifications for Microchip Technology ATF16V8CZ-15PU

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Microchip Technology ATF16V8CZ-15PU?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase ATF16V8CZ-15PU from an authorized Microchip Technology distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part ATF16V8CZ-15PU?

You can download the ATF16V8CZ-15PU datasheet or Visit the Microchip Technology website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of ATF16V8CZ-15PU?

Microchip Technology

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