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Microchip Technology ATSTK600 Datasheet & Stock

ATSTK600 is a complete starter kit and development system for 8bit and 32bit AVR microcontrollers that gives designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR, with advanced features for prototyping and testing new designs. The AVR device connects to the STK600 using an innovative routing and socket card sandwich system, which routes the signals from the device to the appropriate hardware. The system consists of a generic socket card, on which the AVR device is inserted, and a device specific signal routing card, which routes the signals from the socket pins to the different functions on the STK600 main board dependant on the device. This design simplifies hardware setup when switching from one AVR device to another, since all connections from the device to the motherboard are determined by the routing card, a custom board for each device. The routing system is purely passive, so all I/O pins are directly accessible on the connectors with no altering of the electrical behaviour.

AVR Studio 4/AVR32 Studio compatible

USB interface to PC for programming and control

Powered from USB bus or from an external 10Vdc to 15Vdc power supply

Adjustable target VCC (0V to 5.5V)

Two adjustable reference voltages with high accuracy (0V to 5V, 10mV res)

Clock oscillator, adjustable on the fly from AVR Studio (0MHz to 50MHz, 0.1% res)

Serial ISP of tinyAVR and megaAVR devices

PDI Programming of AVR XMEGA devices

JTAG programming of 8bit megaAVR, 8/16bit AVR XMEGA and 32bit AVR UC3 devices

Wire Programming of 32bit AVR UC3 devices



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Sensing & Instrumentation,




Power Cable, USB High Speed cable, Cable Kit, 2 sets of screws/nuts, 1 set of clips, MCU card for ATmega2560

Note that a routing card and socket card for the specific device would need to be purchase separately.

img ATSTK600_Microchip-Technology.jpg View
SourcePart NoStockInv DateQty/Price USDBuy/RFQ
Digi-Key ElectronicsATSTK600905-27-2024Unit price: $329.86
Authorized Distributors
FarnellATSTK600005-27-2024Unit price: $270.65
Authorized Distributors

Specifications for Microchip Technology ATSTK600

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Microchip Technology ATSTK600?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase ATSTK600 from an authorized Microchip Technology distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part ATSTK600?

You can download the ATSTK600 datasheet or Visit the Microchip Technology website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of ATSTK600?

Microchip Technology

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