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Microchip Technology PIC16F54-I/P Datasheet & Stock

The PIC16F54-I/P is a 8-bit fully-static Flash-based CMOS Microcontroller for high-speed automotive and appliance motor control to low-power remote transmitters/receivers. It employs a RISC architecture with only 33 single-word/single-cycle instructions. All instructions are single cycle except for program branches which take two cycles. The PIC16F5X delivers performance an order of magnitude higher than its competitors in the same price category. The 12-bit wide instructions are highly symmetrical resulting in 2:1 code compression over other 8-bit microcontrollers in its class. The easy-to-use and easy-to-remember instruction set reduces development time significantly. The Power-on Reset (POR) and Device Reset Timer (DRT) eliminate the need for external reset circuitry. The PIC16F5X products are supported by a full-featured macro assembler, a software simulator, a development programmer and a full featured programmer.

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SourcePart NoStockInv DateQty/Price USDBuy/RFQ
Digi-Key ElectronicsPIC16F54-I/P1206405-05-2024Unit price: $0.88
Authorized Distributors
Future Electronics CorporatePIC16F54-I/P238905-04-2024Unit price: $1.08
Authorized Distributors
NewarkPIC16F54-I/P144905-05-2024Unit price: $0.915
Authorized Distributors
Authorized Distributors

Specifications for Microchip Technology PIC16F54-I/P

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy Microchip Technology PIC16F54-I/P?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase PIC16F54-I/P from an authorized Microchip Technology distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part PIC16F54-I/P?

You can download the PIC16F54-I/P datasheet or Visit the Microchip Technology website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of PIC16F54-I/P?

Microchip Technology

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