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SCHAFFNER EMC FN9260B-10-06 Datasheet & Stock

This filtered FN9260B-10-06 plug connector from Schaffner is a compact and standardized way of powering your electronic devices. This M connector has 3 M contacts. It has a straight body orientation. It has a male type gender. It has a maximum voltage rating of 250 VAC. This connector has a single port. It has an operating frequency of 0 to 400 Hz. This device has a maximum current rating of 10 A. This product is 35 mm long, 46 mm tall and 60.3 mm deep. It uses the spade/solder termination method. This part has an operating temperature of -25 to 85 °C.

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Specifications for SCHAFFNER EMC FN9260B-10-06

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy SCHAFFNER EMC FN9260B-10-06?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase FN9260B-10-06 from an authorized SCHAFFNER EMC distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part FN9260B-10-06?

You can download the FN9260B-10-06 datasheet or Visit the SCHAFFNER EMC website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of FN9260B-10-06?


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