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VEEDER ROOT A103-000 Datasheet & Stock

The A103-002 is a a product to meet nearly every requirement for panel mounted control and indication. Housed in a DIN standard 36mm x 72mm case, it meets the requirements for basic count totalization applications. It has an 8 digit supertwist LCD display which can be backlighted by connecting an external DC (10-28 Volt) power supply. It is powered by either one or two replaceable 3V Lithium batteries which allows for a new battery to be installed before removing the old one. A NEMA 4X rating and a high level of noise immunity make this unit sutiable for harsh environments.

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Authorized Distributors

Specifications for VEEDER ROOT A103-000

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I buy VEEDER ROOT A103-000?

You can click on the BUY or RFQ button to purchase A103-000 from an authorized VEEDER ROOT distributor.

How do I troubleshoot issues or seek technical support for part A103-000?

You can download the A103-000 datasheet or Visit the VEEDER ROOT website for support.

Who is the manufacturer of A103-000?


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